VEILE Release Horrifically Awesome Video For ‘The Abyss’

Following up on their stellar 2021 EP, The Ghost Sonata, blackened horror metal outfit Veile have finally unleashed a new track upon an unsuspecting world. Titled “The Abyss,” said song takes everything that you already loved about Veile and adds so much more. The vocals and musicianship are top notch, and the mixing and mastering by Russ Russell take the band’s sound to a new level.

And yes, the music video directed by frontwoman Anabelle is the perfect complement.

“This is the first thing that we have released that is a horror story essentially of my own making, whereas the EP was around three very specific horror stories,” Anabelle revealed. “‘The Abyss’ is about what I think is the true horror that lies within, which is our internal thoughts, our psyche, our mental health, and I really wanted this to have a strong visual accompaniment. I wanted this to be a film, not a music video. So, they’re very much a package deal, and I believe the standard that we’ve set forth now with this video, this incredible production, insane team and talent, is the benchmark we’ve now set with the standard of Veile and, going forward, this is what you are to expect: Horrific, nightmarish music accompanied by equally horrific and nightmarish visuals.”

Moving past The Ghost Sonata, which dealt with, well, ghosts as the subject matter, the scarlet frontwoman had this to share regarding the themes of the new batch of songs:

“This one was centered around water. The idea was to put tracks out to do with ghost or horror stories around the elements. This track originally started off as something to do with Davy Jones, but I didn’t want to go down that path. I thought that had been done too much, and I much prefer to use the water, the ocean, the abyss as a metaphor instead for the depths of our minds, the human psyche. So, water was how it was initially conceived, hence the water throughout and the creature throughout the video is reminiscent of a siren-esque creature. But in this creature, I wanted to embody a multitude of fears and traumas that prey on the protagonist, Halo, in the video to pull her to the edge. So it’s loosely got that water/siren feel as a metaphor for the human mind and mental illness and the inner struggles and personal turmoils.”

“One thing we have coming up is a cover which I am very, very excited about,” Anabelle said as she began teasing more new songs. “It’s definitely a track I’ve always wanted to do, and I’m glad we’re doing it. I can also gladly say that we will have an upcoming song about birds because I love birds, and that is something I really wanted to represent. There is surprisingly horrors about birds, horror and folklore about certain birds. That is definitely something to look forward to, and the rest I will keep as a dirty little secret for now.”

Line up:

Anabelle: Vocals

Charles Edward Alexander Hedger: Guitar

Frank Skillpero: Drums

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Stream VEILE by clicking here.

The End, So Far

Well, my time as an online journalist has come to an end. Why? Because I’ve come to hate doing this.

Okay, it wasn’t always like this. In the past nine years, I’ve written thousands of articles, interviewed celebrities and comic creators, not to mention getting tons of free comic books and Blu-rays for review. I’ve accomplished some great stuff and am eternally grateful for all of the good stuff that’s come along with this. I mean, the perks are great.

However, I’ve just grown tired of writing online in general. Hell, there was a time when I was writing seven news articles per day, on top of whatever else I had to accomplish. I originally wanted to walk away in 2020, but then the pandemic happened and I still had a few things on my bucket list. Then, I wanted to help out my longtime friends at Culture Junkies for a bit (more on them later), which I did. But I just can’t do this anymore. I actually dread writing articles of any sort. I just want to move on.

If fatigue weren’t enough, the online writing industry has become so fucking sleazy that I can’t stand being associated with it any longer. Clickbait crap and misleading headlines are all that really matter now – but can you really blame the bastards in charge for going in this direction when so many people clicked on this trash to begin with? Nearly everybody helped change the climate of online journalism, so no one person is to blame. I spent four years at one site that I once loved, only to have them become one of the least reputable sites online. Two minutes of research will tell you which site this was, and you won’t have to strain your brain to figure out why I split. And don’t get me started on “hot takes” and someone letting us know what’s “problematic” passing for editorials these days. What trash!

Speaking of trash, have you seen what passes for some convention coverage by local news sites? We’re talking about 50-word “articles” with maybe ten photos from whatever convention it was earning these folks a paycheck. And here I was busting my ass with weekend recap after weekend recap, transcribing interviews down to the minute details, and connecting with fans, when all I had to do was the bare minimum to collect a press pass if I were to work for a four-letter station or local publication? Do these people work fifteen minutes a week?

Don’t get me wrong, there are honest writers out there. I’d be remiss if not tipping my hat to those who have contributed to Dark Knight News, DC Comics News, and Culture Junkies, past and present (notice I’m not naming any other sites from my resume, though some of those guys with whom I worked stayed honest and moved on). I urge everyone to continue supporting those sites just listed. Actually, I’m not leaving Culture Junkies entirely, as I’m still willing to appear on their live videocast whenever they’ll have me. Furthermore, I may cover a convention in 2023 in a podcasting capacity. Hopefully it works out.

Believe it or not, I’ve also grown tiresome of the material itself. I barely read comics anymore. I would like to watch Moon Knight and She-Hulk, but I need a really, really long break from so much of this. Maybe when I can find that thrill of discovery I once had, I’ll come back to watch those. I’ll still watch superhero movies because they require only two hours of my time – and Batman will always be on my radar. He gets a free pass. I guess this fatigue just comes from writing about the same stuff for nine years.

So, what’s next for me? Aside from having a day job, I’m hoping to get back into music. I have some songs written and hope to get new equipment before the year is out. Of course, finding a handful of like-minded musicians is always the hardest part. But this is where I’m now finding that thrill. Quite frankly, the past four years of my life have been shit. I’ve had a few great experiences along the way, sure, but I’ve had four surgeries and other medical issues. Music has often helped keep me going, and I find myself experiencing it on a deeper level than before. This is where I need to be right now, and hopefully something works out.

I know this farewell sounds simultaneously grateful and bitter. It most certainly is both. I may even post on this blog in the future whenever I have an opinion that’s too long for a social media post. We’ll see. But this is the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.

Onward and upward.

-Eric Joseph

The New Status Quo

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated this blog, but this is as good a place as any for a possibly longwinded update regarding my status quo. I have left DC Comics News on good terms and now reside at Culture Junkies (, a great pop culture website based in the Detroit area.

Basically, I no longer have the passion I once had for online journalism. This move allows for me to work with some longtime friends – most likely through the end of 2022 – before I hang it up. The industry has changed a lot over the course of my nearly nine years doing this, and it hasn’t been all for the better. So much emphasis is now placed on clickbait crap and honesty is in short supply. That said, both DC Comics News and Culture Junkies are honest websites, with writers and editors who do this because they truly love the material they write about. I encourage anyone reading this to continue visiting and supporting both websites no matter my future endeavors.

So, what will I be up to?

Well, I will continue reviewing Blu-rays and covering conventions on behalf of Culture Junkies for the time being. I would like to get back into music, as I have several songs written in hope of finding like-minded metal musicians in the Detroit area. It may work out, or it may not. But I want to see where this goes. I know I have much to express from behind a microphone, so wish me luck.

Until next time…

-Eric Joseph

In The Year 2021

I’m posting this blog entry for two reasons: to get used to the keyboard on this particular laptop, and because I haven’t posted here in over a year.

In short, whatever writing focus I’ve had has been centered on DC Comics News. Over there, I’m mainly reviewing Blu-rays and covering conventions. Despite the pandemic putting the kibosh on my favorite events in 2020, I’ve at least been able to cover a few virtual cons in the time since. Hey, they’re better than nothing.

It’s very possible that I may post some random stuff here over this calendar year, but it’s become blatantly obvious that I’m not nearly as active here as I used to be. But this is still my playground of sorts, and I have no intention of abandoning it entirely. It’s an ace up my sleeve when I need it.

So, if you haven’t already, check out, as we’ve got the latest news and reviews over there. And like I used to do on A Podcast For All Seasons, I’m going to plug my friends over at, for they’ve had some cool output lately as well.

Here’s hoping that we return to a semblance of normalcy before 2021 expires – and attend a convention or two.

-Eric Joseph

Happy New Year!

Though this blog has been inactive for some time, it hasn’t been forgotten. Those familiar with it should be aware of how it was originally established to function as a place for me to post stuff that I may have not been able to while working for other websites. And when I started putting more time into We Got This Covered, that left me little time for Multiverse Entertainment.

Well, now that I’ve left WGTC to take on a more limited schedule at DC Comics News, you may see me posting on here throughout 2020. Make no mistake, it’ll probably be sporadically, but I may drop some content or post pictures from whatever events I’m not covering on behalf of DCN.

-Eric Joseph

Podcast Flashback: Riverdale Season 1

Now that we’re nearing the end of Riverdale‘s second season, we thought it was time to look back at what was going on a year ago at this time. Joining us was lifelong Archie fan Stevie Yeager, who brought a different perspective to the conversation.

So, please venture back to a simpler time when we were still getting a feel for the series – and marvel at how we were all wrong about who killed Jason Blossom!

Like The Page Formerly Known As Podcast For All Seasons on Facebook.

Videocast: Hello Kimmy Cosplay

Cosplayer Hello Kimmy stops by to discuss her craft, and to talk most anticipated movies for 2018. We may sound like we’re underwater, sure, but stick with it. We had a great time talking geeky stuff even if Google Hangouts’ audio screwed us over.

Like Hello Kimmy Cosplay on Facebook

Like The Page Formerly Known as A Podcast For All Seasons on Facebook

Open Letter To WB Regarding DC On Film

One of my favorite articles that I wrote this year had to be my open letter to Warner Bros. In it, I talked about how I think the studio’s approach isn’t working and how the DC Extended Universe can be salvaged going forward. Please click the picture below to be transported over to We Got This Covered for what I believe is a thought-provoking read.

-Eric Joseph

2017 Interviews

Although I didn’t conduct as many interviews in 2017 as I did in 2016, it’s certainly been a memorable year. In short, I had the great privilege to speak with the likes of comic book creators Joshua Williamson (Frostbite, The Flash) and Jason Fabok (Batman, Justice League), cosplayers Ani-Mia and Hailey S Cosplay, as well as iZombie’s Aly Michalka. Suffice it to say, several of those were dreams come true.

Anyway, I’ve decided to put together a hub of sorts as I have in the past to assist in sharing these experiences with you all. Simply click on the pictures below in order to be transported to the corresponding interview, each of which were done on behalf of We Got This Covered.


-Eric Joseph

Joshua Williamson, Part 1

Joshua Williamson, Part 2

Aly Michalka

Jason Fabok


Hailey S Cosplay

A Podcast For All Seasons: S4E7 – Justice League Review

In their series finale, Josh and Eric review the newly released Justice League movie. Also discussed are how the film’s box office take will affect the DC Extended Universe as a whole, and the decision to bring the podcast to an end.

Like A Podcast For All Seasons on Facebook.